Becoming Parents

Supporting the parental role with symbols and drama

The Becoming Parents project supports young parents in taking on their new role with greater confidence and competence. Through positive psychology, emotional learning, and peer-to-peer mentoring, they are empowered to better cope with everyday challenges. The focus is on strengthening parental resilience, building a supportive community, and improving emotional well-being. At the same time, professionals are equipped with innovative methods to guide and advise parents effectively.


  • Storytelling, drama, and symbol work for reflection and empowerment
  • Emotional intelligence and mindfulness for conscious parenting
  • Coaching and motivational techniques for self-empowerment
  • Peer-to-peer mentoring for experience exchange


  • Resource guide for parents
  • Training program for professionals
  • Support for self-help groups
  • Online and offline training in German, Hungarian, and Greek



Bec_Paremts_Parental guide_EN

Bec_Parents_Trainer Guide EN

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Mariposa – 2nd Newsletter

Violence against women is a deeply troubling and pervasive issue that continues to afflict our society. This multifaceted problem manifestsin various forms, including physical, emotional, and psychological abuse, and it knows no boundaries of age, race, or socioeconomic status. It shatters lives and perpetuates a cycle of suffering, one that demands our collective attention and action. Being able to spot the toxic relationships and power dynamics underlying the phenomenon of gender-based violence represents the first, necessary step to break the cycle of violence.


Through the Mariposa project, we offer online tools designed to support women impacted by gender-based violence in recognizing and addressing detrimental situations they may been tangled in. Our goal is to help them create personalized life plans and connect them with appropriate professional assistance. Concurrently, we seek to provide guidance to peers and advocates in promoting the empowerment of women affected by gender-based violence. This involves establishing support networks and launching initiatives to prevent and combat gender-based violence.

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1. Two online interactive tools that use the symbol work methodology have been designed and created:

“ME and My Resources” dedicated to aiding women who have experienced gender-based violence to identify unhealthy dynamics and seek support.

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“EmpowerME”, that focuses on empowering and providingself-help for these women to set objectives and develop a future life plan.

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Once the two online tools had been completed and translated, we organized pilot sessions in each partner country to test them with women impacted by gender-based violence and gathered their valuable feedback and perspectives on the instruments.

2. Subsequently, two guides were developed:

A Guide for Victim Empowernment by Peer to Peer Support, providing guidance on how to empower women who have experienced gender-based violence while giving useful advice on possible challenges and obstacles to avoid.

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A Guide in Multiplication and Networking Strategies, for anyone who wants to build stable networks, plan a campaign and multiply their messages.

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The tools and guides were the outcome of the collaborative efforts of all project partners, who met in March in Bucharest and in September in Palermo 2023 to discuss and exchange their experiences in testing and utilizing the tools and guides. All the resources are available in English, Spanish, Greek, Italian, French, German and Romanian.


Final events will be organized in Spain, Greece, Italy, Romania, France and Austria. Stay tuned for updates!

If you want to take part to our project or learnmore about the Mariposa resources – contact us!

To learn more about the project, you can alsovisit our Project Website …

2nd Newsletter MARIPOSA_EN

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Ode to Joy

Attunement through the Experience of Joy

Ode to Joy, is named after one of the positive emotions joy, pride, contentment, esteem which are catalysts for increasing people’s satisfaction generally in their personal lives and professionally in their work. Joyful people are more motivated to act and participate, are much less likely to experience burn out, and have a better mental and physical health and are more resilient towards uncomfortable emotions. We want to achieve this through fusing experience-based methods together, such as drama, bodywork, dance, music, symbolwork, storytelling, nature work, validation of competencies, CH-Q procedure, with more formal VPL methods, that help NEETs reconnect with their body and mind, increasing their ability to experience joy and to connect and through this experience develop a greater sense of attunement and joy.

Ode to Joy aims to realize the following objectives:

  • To equip adult educators/ guidance councellors (or people working in similar fields) with tools to support their target group in personal growth through increased awareness, motivation and positive emotions.
  • To foster virtuous connection between NEET young adults (18-29 years old), the employment sector and the formal and informal learning environments.
  • To provide Common Guidelines to implementing the project’s model and approach of focusing on the fostering attunement and connection to one’s emotion through experience-based methods.
  • To provide recommendations for policy makers to embed the model and the process in the active labour market policies and guidelines for career counsellors.

Main results are:

  • Based on outcomes of a cross-national research, a shared model and process for the use of socio-creative instruments in combination with VPL and other recognition of competences and transversal skills and guidelines to implement the model and approach will be developed.
  • Educators’ resources, a Toolbox and a Handbook, and pedagogical guidelines will be created based on methods used by partners. The Toolbox includes a number of methods, games and exercises adult educators can use in their daily work, complimented with the theoretical backgrounds of the methods in the Handbook.
  • The Toolbox will be used to create a training curriculum, tested in an international pilot-training of trainers. Based on this, five organisational curricula will be developed by the partners, in a way that is the most relevant to the local settings partners are working in, to enhance the usability and the impact.
  • Finally, a summary report with the following contents is prepared: Applied methods, the adaptation of the handbook and the tools, based on the evaluation of the training; a policy recommendation paper, including procedures and instruments linked to the informal recognition of competences; guidelines and tips for adult educators, career guides and VPL practitioners and a Position Paper with the summary of our recommendations.

Project duration

November 2021 – May 2024


Project Partners

Erasmus Logo

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Perspektivenwechsel 2018

Perspektivenwechsel 2018

In the context of the strategy for lifelong learning, the network project “Perspektivenwechsel 2018” aimed at advancing the development of methods for use in basic education in order to increase the scope of action of trainers in basic education.

GeSoB focused on workshops for the professionalization of trainers and the development of methods and materials for use in basic education. Symbol work is an effective method for basic education to support people in finding their goals, to strengthen motivation and to discover skills and resources. Symbol work seeks and finds solutions when the language is not available. Own learning goals are found and described, the way to achieve them is planned together. This strengthens the learners’ autonomy.

Within the project, which had already proven its success in previous years, two further Train-the-Trainer workshops were again held in Tyrol and Lower Austria in the autumn of 2018, which enabled practitioners to become acquainted with new methods and to reflect and exchange ideas.

The workshops were aimed at trainers in basic education who wanted to improve their skills and met the requirements of the “Adult Education Initiative” and were therefore creditable as advanced training.

The workshops were coordinated with the partner ZeMiT, jointly advertised and conducted by Margot Cammerlander and Paul Schober.

Project duration

February till December 2018

Project Partners

BFI Tirol
Centre for Migrants in Tirol (ZeMiT)
BFI Oberösterreich
Gesellschaft für Sozialforschung und Bildung (GeSoB)


The project Perspektivenwechsel 2017 was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMB).

Perspektivenwechsel 2017

Perspektivenwechsel 2017 – Symbol work in basic education

The development of Symbol work for basic education continues the experiences of the previous projects “Perspektiven Bildung Österreich” and “Perspektivenwechsel: Perspektivenbildung 2016”, in which learning scenarios on “social learning” and “achieving goals” were developed for young people. and were used for the first time in the field of basic education.

In continuation of 2017, previous results were evaluated and participants of the past years were interviewed in a written survey about the experiences and application of Symbol work in basic education. This comprehensive analysis of the already developed framework and tools were the starting point for a revision of the basic concept and for addditional offers. This enabled more precise and improved learning goals of the train-the-trainer courses and the respective learning scenarios.

This was followed by a development meeting and development workshops with the project partners and a piloting of the training through two Train the Trainer workshops in Vorarlberg and Tyrol. The workshops were coordinated with the partner ZeMiT, jointly advertised and conducted by Margot Cammerlander and Paul Schober.

The primary target group were trainers of basic training courses who wanted to improve their skills. The secondary target group and the actual beneficiaries were the participants in basic education programs.

Project duration

March till December 2017

Project Partners

BFI Tirol
Centre for Migrants in Tirol (ZeMiT)
BFI Oberösterreich
Gesellschaft für Sozialforschung und Bildung (GeSoB)


The project Perspektivenwechsel 2017 was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education (BMB).

Perspektivenbildung : Perspektivenwechsel (2016)

Change of perspectives (2016)

In 2016, the project Perspektivenbildung:Perspektivenwechsel (Change of perspectives) continued the successful work of the predecessor project PerspektivenBildung:Österreich (2012-2017). In the current project GeSoB, together with its partners BFI Oberösterreich, BFI Tirol and ZeMiT (Centre for Migrants in Tirol), opens up new perspectives, approaches and methods for the trainer’s everyday work in the basic education sector with practice-proven approaches.

While the partners from Upper Austria and Tyrol deal with theatre-pedagogy and transcultural reflection and guidance and develop and test workshop concepts and teaching materials, GeSoB is dedicated to the application of a low-threshold learning and counselling approach for basic education using symbols.

“What is the problem? What should be different? How should it be? How do I get there?” Symbol work seeks and finds solutions when the language for this is not available. The aim of the symbol work method is to give people a language through symbols when words are missing. Symbols can be used as interpreters in the basic education.

As GeSoB experts trained in symbol work, Margot Cammerlander and Paul Schober have developed workshop concepts, a curriculum and corresponding teaching material and tested them in 2-day workshops in Tyrol and Upper Austria. The implementation was prepared by a development workshop in Linz in order to incorporate the experiences of the target group and of trainers of basic education.

The offer was addressed to trainers of basic education who use low-threshold methods of goal clarification, resource work and reflection on existing competences.

Project duration

March till December 2016

Project Partners

BFI Tirol
Centre for Migrants in Tirol (ZeMiT)
BFI Oberösterreich
Gesellschaft für Sozialforschung und Bildung (GeSoB)


The project PerspektivenBildung: PerspektivenWechsel was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Women (BMBF).