Supporting the parental role with symbols and drama
The Becoming Parents project supports young parents in taking on their new role with greater confidence and competence. Through positive psychology, emotional learning, and peer-to-peer mentoring, they are empowered to better cope with everyday challenges. The focus is on strengthening parental resilience, building a supportive community, and improving emotional well-being. At the same time, professionals are equipped with innovative methods to guide and advise parents effectively.
- Storytelling, drama, and symbol work for reflection and empowerment
- Emotional intelligence and mindfulness for conscious parenting
- Coaching and motivational techniques for self-empowerment
- Peer-to-peer mentoring for experience exchange
- Resource guide for parents
- Training program for professionals
- Support for self-help groups
- Online and offline training in German, Hungarian, and Greek
- Holdkő Alapítvány (Hungary): Project coordination
- GeSoB (Austria)
- ACP (Greece)
Bec_Paremts_Parental guide_EN
Bec_Parents_Trainer Guide EN

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