Becoming Parents

Supporting the parental role with symbols and drama

The Becoming Parents project supports young parents in taking on their new role with greater confidence and competence. Through positive psychology, emotional learning, and peer-to-peer mentoring, they are empowered to better cope with everyday challenges. The focus is on strengthening parental resilience, building a supportive community, and improving emotional well-being. At the same time, professionals are equipped with innovative methods to guide and advise parents effectively.


  • Storytelling, drama, and symbol work for reflection and empowerment
  • Emotional intelligence and mindfulness for conscious parenting
  • Coaching and motivational techniques for self-empowerment
  • Peer-to-peer mentoring for experience exchange


  • Resource guide for parents
  • Training program for professionals
  • Support for self-help groups
  • Online and offline training in German, Hungarian, and Greek



Bec_Paremts_Parental guide_EN

Bec_Parents_Trainer Guide EN

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Becoming Parents” – A Guide for Professionals Supporting Parents

The GeSoB – Society for Social Research – introduces a new, hands-on guide designed for trainers, social workers, and other professionals who support parents in their journey.

The guide integrates methods from positive psychology, storytelling, theatre pedagogy, and symbolic work. It aims to equip professionals with tools to help parents reflect on their challenges, activate resources, and embrace their parenting roles with confidence. The exercises focus on fostering essential soft skills like self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and resilience – key factors in empowering parents and, ultimately, entire families.

In a time when many young people face uncertainties and societal pressures, “Becoming Parents” provides valuable approaches to support them in embracing parenthood.

Bec_Parents_Trainer Guide EN

Best of women’s power March 2024

In March 2024, the LEADER region Elsbeere Wienerwald was all about women. The “Women’s Power in the Wienerwald” project aimed to strengthen women in the regional economy and create a strong network. Through a combination of regional public relations work and various themed events, we made women in business more visible!

At the heart of the project were four in-house events that were specially designed to network and promote women in business:

Our events:

  • Thu, 29.02.2024 – Opening event Frauen Reigen ‘Wir haben etwas zu erzählen’ – Frauen-Power im Wienerwald, from 18:30 to 20:30 in the Rathaus Saal, moderated by Christa Berger, followed by an opportunity to network and a small buffet -> link to the event and link to the follow-up report
  • Fri, 08.03.2024, International Women’s Day – GEHspräche from 13:30 to approx. 18:00 – we visit entrepreneurs in the centre of Neulengbach (who is going?). Meeting point 13:30: SpeiseLokal, Wienerstraße 25, 3040 Neulengbach -> link to event and link to follow-up report
  • Sun, 17.03.2024, 13:00 to 15:00 – Guided tour with Hedy Fohringer ‘Strong women in Neulengbach – past and present’, meeting point: Kirchenplatz 2, 3040 Neulengbach, guided tour (through the centre of Neulengbach) free of charge -> link to the event and link to the follow-up report
  • Wed, 20.03.2024, 19:30 – The film ‘Die Dirigentin’ – A cooperation with EU XXL Die Reihe and Theaterei Entertainment, venue: Theaterei, Hauptstraße 5, 3051 St. Christophen, admission free -> link to the event and link to the follow-up report

Outlook June 2024 – what’s next for the Women’s Power in the Wienerwald initiative?

As part of the GEHsundheitstag of the platform Gesund Leben on 15 June 2024 (from 10:00 in the Neulengbach city park), we will ask the question of how the initiative, which has existed since the beginning of March, will continue and we are asking YOU! Further information about the event …

The exhibition ‘Frauenwelten im Wienerwald’ will take place in June 2024 together with Karin Komosny, wohlgeformte Damen and Jackie Komarek, Frauenbilder, in the Ideenwerkstatt Hauptplatz 16, 3040 Neulengbach – more information will follow soon. Vernissage Thu, 31.05.2024, 18:30

Click here for our video stories Women’s power in the Wienerwald

Best of photos by Maria Hörmandinger

Michaela Schmitz, Christa Berger, Paul Schober, Foto Monika Dietl, NÖN

Film ‘The Conductor’ Women’s power in the Wienerwald

On Wednesday, 20.03.2024, the film ‘Die Dirigentin’ – a cooperation with EU XXL Die Reihe and Theaterei Entertainment – was shown as part of our ‘Frauenpower im Wienerwald’ initiative. Thank you to all interested participants for this wonderful film evening!

The video stories about Lisa Köhler, Finsterhof Camping, and Andrea Westermayer, Stoffe und Nähservice Westermayer, which were produced by the GeSoB association (Paul Schober) and Verena Rauscher from ‘das Moment’, were presented as the opening credits.

You can watch the videos here

Official info about the film:

NL 2018, feature film, 135 min, DF
US-American Antonia Brico has only one goal in life:
She wants to become a conductor. But when she was a student in the 1920s, this ambition was virtually impossible. Ridiculed by both men and women for her dream, she makes her debut as conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra in 1930 despite all opposition, becoming the first female conductor in the world and paving the way for another generation of women to enter a profession that is still dominated by men today. Based on a true story.
Written & directed by Maria Peters, camera: Rolf Dekens
With: Christanne de Bruijn, Benjamin Wainwright, Richard Sammel, Annet Malherbe and others.

The Conductor | Official Trailer International

Michaela Schmitz, Christa Berger, Paul Schober, Foto Monika Dietl, NÖN

Photos private

Guided tour with Hedy Fohringer Women’s power in the Wienerwald

On Sunday, 17.03.2024, many interested people (women and men) met at the church square in Neulengbach to explore the town centre together with Hedy Fohringer on the topic of ‘Women’s power – strong women – past and present’. The journey to the strong women – past and present – by Hedy Fohringer led via the church square, the court of justice with the Neulengbach Region Museum, Egon Schiele Square, the Lampl fountain by the Raiffeisenbank staircase to the old town hall/meeting room and the town park. A really great summary can be found HERE (link) in the report by Michael Dielt, who took part in the tour together with his wife Monika Dietl (both travelling for the NÖN) – thank you for the remarkable report!

Fotos Maria Hörmandinger

GEHspräche – Women’s power in the Wienerwald

On Friday, 8 March 2024, on International Women’s Day, a group of interested people met at 13:30 at the SpeiseLokal in Wienerstraße in Neulengbach for the GEHspräche ‘entrepreneurial women’s power in the Vienna Woods’.

The aim of the GEHspräche was to showcase the diversity of female entrepreneurs in Neulengbach.

The GEHspräche route led from SpeiseLokal through Wienerstraße, Weinhebergasse, Postgasse to the pharmacy, then on via Rathausplatz and upper Hauptplatz to Andrea Westermayer. The GEHspräche ended at 17:30 – and we were far from seeing all the entrepreneurial women in Neulengbach – i.e. there will be a continuation of the ‘GEHspräche – entrepreneurial women’s power in the Vienna Woods’ on request!

Contact: Michaela Schmitz, +43 660 125 81 20

Gudrun Fercher-Grüner, Grüner Wirtschaftstreuhand Steuerberatung, Wienerstraße 2

Juliana Lutz, SpeiseLokal (start of the GEHspräche), Wienerstraße 25

Veronika Sturm (not in the photo), city farmer, Wienerstraße 23

PRACTICE ROOMS Dr Katzensteiner, Dr Ines Katzensteiner, Wienerstraße 21

Dr Gudrun Groher-Tögel, paediatrician in Neulengbach, Wienerstraße 21

Maria Kreutzer, learning with heart, Wienerstraße 10

Dr Franziska Jirak-Crupi, dentist, Weinherberstrasse 3

Barbara Geringer, Barbara’s Backstube, Wienerstraße 11

Dr Christa Reinthaller, Craniosacral Osteopathy, Wienerstraße 8

Dr Andrea Joichl, internist, Wienerstraße 8

Doctors Alexandra Leber and Verena Schaubschläger, Wienerstraße 9

Tanja Gubic, GUBIC Vertriebs-GmbH, Wienerstrasse 5

Katrin Pfeifenberger, Apotheke zur Hl. Dreifaltigkeit, Rathausplatz 17

Sophie-Marie Ehn, Bakery, Rathausplatz 12

Tatjana Neuwirth, Mrs Sporty Neulengbach, Rathausplatz 9

Karin Komosny, arts and crafts gallery art & wiese, Rathausplatz 5, Wienerstraße Top 1

Karin Komosny & Michaela Schmitz, CoWorking Startraum, Rathausplatz 5, Wienerstraße Top 2

Julia Vogl, Dance Centre Neulengbach, Wienerstraße 2

Martina Leodolter, Mörtl Immobilien, Wienerstraße 5

Daniela Schimatschek, Reiser hairdressing salon, Wienerstraße 4

Stephanie Kiamil, Physio am Schlossberg, Wienerstraße 5

Susanne Colombini, physiotherapist, Wienerstraße 5

Mama Brutschy, Stadtgreisslerei Brutschy, Hauptplatz 27

Gabi Tuma-Kropek, Lieblingstyle, Hauptplatz 25

Ursula Köberl, fruits&more, Hauptplatz 25

Karin Frank, Modehaus Frank – Sabine Müller-Schertler, Birgit Schmutzhart, Gabi Reither, Martha Preuss, Hauptplatz 21

Christa Lechner, Gartenplanung Lechner, Hauptplatz 19

Dr Aline Berthold, Bewegung im Kopf – Dr Berthold Coachings e.U., Hauptplatz 19

Martha Gruber and Viktoria Kastner, Marthas Schuhkastl, Hauptplatz 17

Eva Balt, Evas Blumengwölb, Hauptplatz 11

Isabella Huber-Franschitz, Physiotherapy, Hauptplatz 11

Johanna Haas, Physiotherapy, Hauptplatz 11

Petra Kieberger, tax consultancy, Hauptplatz 9

Sabrina Fila, Slimming while lying down, Hauptplatz 9

Andrea Westermayer, fabrics, sewing accessories, sewing machines Westermayer, Hauptplatz 5

On foot at the GEH talks were:

Barbara Bach, Ayurveda room, Novarragasse 17

Barbara Löffler, local councillor

Tatjana Tupy, Working together organically, Almersbergstraße 4/5/14

Katharina Timmel, Herzgewebt, Eschenbachgasse 13

Maria Hörmandinger, photographer, Mazettistraße 1

Elisabeth Daim and Dr Ingrid Daim

Monika Hintermeier, message – the agency for city marketing and stage in court

Paul Mühlbauer, Deputy Mayor

Michaela Schmitz, Marketing and Public Relations, Almersbergstraße 4/3/13

Paul Schober, GeSoB Association and Hafelekar Business Consultancy, Eschenbachgasse 14

Photos Maria Hörmandinger and also present – Monika Dietl from the NÖN

Opening event Frauen Reigen

On Thursday, 29 February 2024, the opening event for the Leader project ‘Frauenpower im Wienerwald’, the women’s round dance ‘Wir haben etwas zu erzählen’ took place in the town hall hall of the municipality of Neulengbach. Christa Berger hosted the evening.

Right at the opening, we women were able to demonstrate our talent for improvisation – as an introduction, the first two video stories (made by Verena Rauscher) by Lisa Köhler and Andrea Westermayer were shown – unfortunately the sound transmission between laptop and projector did not work and so the two women had to synchronise themselves, which worked wonderfully! Thanks to their spontaneity!

The event was opened by Christina Gassner, leader manager, Barbara Löffler, local councillor and Michaela Schmitz, co-initiator of the ‘Frauenpower im Wienerwald’ initiative. After the opening, the first of a total of three women’s rounds (women’s pearls) was started by Christa Berger.

The first Women’s Round Table of Pearls was held:

  • Michaela Schmitz, co-initiator of Frauenpower im Wienerwald and midwife for dormant ideas
  • Barbara Bach, Ayurveda practitioner (Raum für Dich), art therapist and textile upcycler (working title #irgendwasmitPlanen)
  • Karin Komosny, Shiatsu practitioner with Berührung bewegt, artist with Keramik bewegt and arts and crafts gallery art & wiese
  • Regina Halbauer, the wardrobe whisperer (organisation coach)
  • Karin Peter, Lower Austria theme exchange and member of the core team of the Mitmach Region

The second Women’s Round of Pearls included:

  • Renate Hinterndorfer, NÖN, editorial office Neulengbach
  • Silvia Gramang-Haring, NÖ Volkshilfe and Women’s Circle
  • Monika Sorko from the Community Nurses Neulengbach
  • Judith Raunig, clinical and health psychologist, Tralalobe and MS Moves association
  • Aline Berthold, Bewegung im Kopf Coachings

In the third and final round of the women’s round of pearls, the women told us about themselves:

  • Renate Zach, Renate’s Farm
  • Tatjana Tupy, Working together organically
  • Isabella Wagner, TRePSTI Institute, time cushion and soon also with a podcast
  • Magdalena Huber-Berndl, direct marketer, body in balance and star child mum
  • Barbara Seyrl, Fairwurzelt (employment and qualification project for job-seeking women with the aim of supporting their re-entry into working life)

The event ended with a buffet from our Stadtgreisslerei Brutschy with traditional crocodiles (also vegetarian and vegan) and drinks. Contacts were made, experiences exchanged, ideas forged, buttons made and the evening enjoyed. Thanks to all the women who made this evening such a special event!

Photos Maria Hörmandinger

Women’s power in the Wienerwald

Empowerment and networking in the regional economy

In March 2024, the Elsbeere Wienerwald LEADER region is all about women. The “Women’s Power in the Vienna Woods” project aims to strengthen women in the regional economy and create a strong network. Through a combination of regional public relations work and various thematic events, we want to make women in the economy more visible and emphasise their role in regional development.

A central element of the project is a comprehensive regional media campaign. We plan to share key content via social media, regional newspapers and other channels. This campaign will raise awareness of the diversity of women’s roles in business and promote the various events and activities organised as part of the project. In addition, four short portraits of women will be created, highlighting the individual experiences and successes of women in the regional economy. These portraits will form part of the media campaign and highlight the personal stories of these women.

At the heart of the project are four in-house events that have been specially designed to network and promote women in business.

Events of the GeSoB association:

  • Thursday, 29.02.2024 – Opening Event “Women’s Circle ‘We Have Stories to Tell'” – Women’s Power in the Wienerwald, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at the Town Hall Hall, hosted by Christa Berger, followed by networking opportunities and a small buffet
  • Friday, 08.03.2024, International Women’s Day – Walking Talks from 1:30 PM to approximately 6:00 PM – we visit entrepreneurs in the center of Neulengbach (who’s joining?). Meeting point at 1:30 PM: SpeiseLokal, Wienerstraße 25, 3040 Neulengbach
  • Sunday, 17.03.2024, 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM – Tour with Hedy Fohringer “Strong Women in Neulengbach – Past and Present”, Meeting point: Kirchenplatz 2, 3040 Neulengbach, tour (through the center of Neulengbach) free of charge
  • Wednesday, 20.03.2024, 7:30 PM – The film ‘The Conductor’ — A collaboration with EU XXL The Series and Theaterei Entertainment, Location: Theaterei, Hauptstraße 5, 3051 St. Christophen, free admission

An important part of the project is the creation of a calendar of events that will enable other local initiatives to advertise their events during Women’s Month in March 2024. Cooperation with Aktive Wirtschaft Neulengbach, local initiatives and the municipality of Neulengbach is essential to ensure broad support. There is also a particular focus on the use of vacancies in the centre of Neulengbach in order to revitalise the local economy and draw attention to these resources.

Planned external events as part of the Women’s Power in the Vienna Woods project can be found here:

“Frauen-Power im Wienerwald” is more than just a project. It is a movement that aims to empower women in business, share their stories and create a supportive community where women can succeed in all areas of the economy. As such, the project fits perfectly into Action Field 1 “Increasing added value” of the LEADER region Elsbeere Wienerwald and contributes significantly to the promotion of women in the regional economy.

Project organiser: Association for Social Research and Education, Neulengbach

Project start: 01.01.2024

Project end: 30.06.2024

Website: Leader Region Elsbeere Wienerwald – Projects


  • Leader Region Elsbeere Wienerwald
  • Aktive Wirtschaft Neulengbach
  • Plattform Gesund Leben
  • ARGE Startraum Neulengbach

Mariposa – 3rd Newsletter

As the MARIPOSA project is coming to an end, we are thrilled to share with you the latest developments of our ongoing commitment to fight violence on women and raise awareness against gender-based violence. Over the past few months, our team has worked tirelessly to organise a series of key events to present the results of our project and raise awareness about such an unfortunately current issue.


Our events have been a key step in spreading awareness and actively involving the community. In Austria, Italy, Spain, Greece, Romania and France we have organised and are currently organising engaging meetings where we have shared and will share the results of our project sofar. These events provided a valuable opportunity to stimulate dialogue and reflection on how to collectively combat gender-based violence.


Coinciding with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, we launched awareness-raising campaigns to amplify the voice against gender-based violence based on our
Guide on Capacity building of Peers in Multiplication and Networking Strategies. Through our digital platforms and local activities in partner countries, we shared useful resources and crucial information to educate and mobilise the community.

Read more …


While this particular project is coming to a close, our commitment to promoting awareness, enacting change and supporting those affected by gender-based violence remains constant through other numerous initiatives, information events and trainings that aim to reach the highest number of people possible. What about yours?


Spread the Word:
Share our resources and messages through social media and within your network.
Continuous Education:
Further educate yourself on gender-based violence and share the acquired knowledge with others. Have a look at Mariposa’s resources at:

Online Tools …


To learn more about the project …

3rd Newsletter MARIPOSA_EN

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Event – Domestic violence concerns us all

A visible sign against violence against women was set in Neulengbach.

Paul Schober (Verein GeSoB), Katharina Loisel-Thanmayer (Verein Frauenzentrum), Erwin Hayden-Hohmann (Caritas Männerberatung St. Pölten), Anna Sonnleitner (Gewaltschutzzentrum Niederösterreich), Alexander Grohs (Neustart), die beiden Organisatorinnen des Abends, Gerlinde Blemenschitz-Kramer und Michaela Schmitz, Stadträtin Maria Rigler und Vizebürgermeister Paul Mühlbauer. Foto Maria Hörmandinger

The global campaign “16 days against violence against women” takes place every year from 25 November to 10 December. In a joint initiative by several organisations, an event on the topic of violence and violence prevention was organised by Paul Schober (GeSoB association), Gerlinde Blemenschitz-Kramer and Michaela Schmitz on Friday, 24.11.2023 at 18:00 in the district office of the Red Cross Neulengbach, Rettungsgasse 1. The Lower Austria Violence Protection Centre, the St. Pölten Women’s Centre Association, the Neustart Association and the Caritas Men’s Counselling Service were also present. The aim was to raise awareness of domestic violence, a topic that is often kept quiet, and to present preventative measures.

“Our aim is to talk about domestic violence in a safe environment and to highlight possible courses of action for everyone involved,” explained Paul Schober. It is important to find out about ways out, protection and help options in order to break the spiral of violence. The experts presented current data: In 2023 alone, there were 24 suspected femicides, 40 attempted murders and serious acts of violence against women in Austria.

Look, act and help!

Civil courage and the right way to deal with signs of violence were discussed at the event. It is important to act without endangering oneself and to seek help in good time. Participants were given information on contact points such as the Lower Austrian women’s helpline and the women’s helpline against violence.

Finally, reference was made to the EU project Mariposa, which offers extensive resources for prevention work. This event in Neulengbach was intended to help raise awareness of domestic violence and promote collective solutions. Conny Poell played songs appropriate to the topic at the event.

Also present were:

If there are signs of domestic violence:

  • Act and help
  • Take care to protect yourself, no unnecessary risks
  • Call for help, in case of danger call the police immediately
  • involve the surrounding area, talk to neighbours
  • Interrupt the violence.
  • Talk to those affected, point out offers of help.

Lower Austrian women’s hotline 0800 800 810
Women’s helpline against violence 0800 222 555
Police 133
Rescue 144

Link to the article in the NÖN …

To the project ‘Mariposa’ …

Photos Maria Hörmandinger

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.