On Sunday, 17.03.2024, many interested people (women and men) met at the church square in Neulengbach to explore the town centre together with Hedy Fohringer on the topic of ‘Women’s power – strong women – past and present’. The journey to the strong women – past and present – by Hedy Fohringer led via the church square, the court of justice with the Neulengbach Region Museum, Egon Schiele Square, the Lampl fountain by the Raiffeisenbank staircase to the old town hall/meeting room and the town park. A really great summary can be found HERE (link) in the report by Michael Dielt, who took part in the tour together with his wife Monika Dietl (both travelling for the NÖN) – thank you for the remarkable report!
Fotos Maria Hörmandinger