The world is like a forest full of signs that want to be interpreted” (Umberto Eco)

We can give people a language through symbols when they lack the words. Symbols can become interpreters and they are vehicles for what is often difficult to express in words.

Where is the problem? What should be different? How should it be?
These questions form the credo of the symbol work developed by Wilfried Schneider.

A symbol can have many meanings from the experience of a single individual and is always associated with one, usually multiple feelings. The process of visualization with symbols, a change of perspective and trying out changes can lead to new ideas and can be worked on as part of an individual consultation and goal-finding process.

Clarification – planning – solution

In recent years we have worked intensively to successfully make the method from the therapeutic work of Wilfried Schneider ( available to a wider audience.

We have used the symbolic work method in coaching sessions, taught it in workshops and training courses and transferred symbolic work to various contexts through EU projects.

By now, Symbol Work is being applied in 18 different countries.