MHELM – Moldova Higher Education Leadership and Management Programme
The MHELM project aims to develop and implement a leadership and management development programme for managers in higher education at Moldovan universities. The project aims to support managers (rectors, deans, administrative heads, academic staff with managerial responsibilities) in the field of science management and to perfect their professional competences with an individually adapted leadership and management development programme.
The main concerns of the project are:
- Strengthening organizational structures, strategic planning and management at universities.
- Supporting steering capacities and management in the field of education
- Promoting reforms in higher education
MHELM develops and implements the leadership and management development programme, creates the necessary infrastructure to ensure sustainable implementation, and provides ongoing information about the project.
GESOB conducts an external evaluation of MHELM on behalf of the project partner ISOB GmbH over the entire duration of the project. This includes participation in project meetings and evaluation reports on the following points:
- Perspective of the project partners on the work process
- Strengths and weaknesses of the project work
- Best practices and recommendations for improvement
- Assessment of the project results and the achievement of objectives
Project duration
November 2019 – November 2022
Homepage: mhelm.utm.md
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MHELM.UTM
Project Partners
- Technical University of Moldova (Moldova)
- Academy of Economic Studies (Moldova)
- State University of Medicine and Farmacy “Nicolae Testemiteanu” (Moldova)
- State Agricultural University (Moldova)
- State University “Alecu Russo” from Bălți (Moldova)
- State University “B. P. Hasdeu “ from Cahul (Moldova)
- State University of Moldova, Chișinău (Moldova)
- Ministry of Education, Culture, and Research (Moldova)
- Council of Rectors of the Republic of Moldova (Associated Partner)
- University of Gloucestershire (Great Britain)
- ISOB Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung GmbH (Germany)
- University of Transilvania Brașov (Romania)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.